
How Watch Dogs Wisely Separates Itself From GTA 5 IGN PS3

Watch Dogs excels when it distances itself from the undeniable imprint that Grand Theft Auto has left on open-world video games. Yes, Ubisoft’s latest franchise (whose release date has just been (re)confirmed) features the same gameplay flow that first appeared in GTA III. Procure a mode of transportation, mosey on to a mission marker (most likely getting sidetracked along the way), watch a cinematic, complete a mission, reap your reward, repeat. Everything from Batman: Arkham City to Ubisoft’s own Assassin’s Creed has pulled from Rockstar’s rib. But I stress again, while Watch Dogs manages to capture that flow with more than enough competence, it’s the brand new details that separates it from most other games and allows for some truly dynamic storytelling.

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