
MGS5's Disturbing Scenes Must 'Go to the Limit' IGN PS3

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes ends with one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever seen in a game. It’s gross, it’s violent, it’s painful, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s something I won’t spoil here. But it’s going to draw attention.

The scene is in line with the more mature tone series creator Hideo Kojima wants to hit with this sequel.

So I asked him: Why is this sort of scene necessary?

“I’m already thinking about sensitive things,” Kojima told IGN. “If we don’t cross that line, if we don’t make attempts with what we want to express, if we don’t go beyond that, we won’t be able to achieve what movies or novels have achieved. It’s trying to go beyond what the original media was supposed to be…. If we don’t go this far, games will never be considered as culture.”

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