
Ranking 11 J.J. Abrams TV Shows IGN All

If there's one thing writer/producer/director J.J. Abrams can never be accused of, it's slacking. The man's had his nostalgic nerd fingers in numerous porridge pots for years and most recently made huge headlines by being tapped to write and direct Star Wars Episode VII - this of course coming on the heels of Abrams rebooting the Star Trek film franchise.

Abrams also made huge impact over in the realm of television, first with the WB's Felicity and then with ABC's Alias. And over the past decade he's been involved with ushering in some of the most groundbreaking genre TV ever. Of course, they haven't all been ratings hits and/or critical darlings, as the more Abrams puts his name on things, the more the projects become "hit or miss."

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