
Scott Snyder Talks The Wake's Futuristic Water World IGN All

Beware spoilers for The Wake!

Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy's The Wake threw us for a curve ball when, at the end of Part 1, the deadly mermen appeared all over the world causing catastrophic floods. We had seen flashes of the world, a flooded apocalypse, 200 years in the future, and now Part 2 starts the story in this strange new world. This horror story under the sea has turned into a post-apocalyptic adventure.

The "Mers" have flooded all coastal cities to the point that the world looks quite a bit more blue on a map. Mers are hunted for their hallucinogenic spray, a new social class system has been created based on who has fresh water and ships, and our new protagonist, Leeward, has dry eyes that require eye-drops.

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