
The Making of the Titanfall Atari Games IGN All

Titanfall Arcade is a bizarre marriage between Respawn, Electronic Arts, and Atari — one that modifies ancient, awesome arcade games by adding the brute force of a Titan mech. It's a simple thing, but it's amazing to see games players understand so intimately turned on their head.

It's sort of unbelievable that this is a real thing, so IGN contacted the people who made Titanfall Arcade to find out more about the advertising promo.

“We wanted to pay homage to the humble beginnings of first-person shooters,” Matt Stafford, associate creative director at Heat, EA’s agency of record. “So, naturally, Atari was the ideal partner. We’re glad they were digging the idea too. Titanfall Arcade wouldn’t be nearly as good if they weren’t on board.”

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