
The Walking Dead: "Alone" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

The first several episodes of the second half of Season 4 have acted, in large part, as set-up. There’ve been a few character moments along the way that some of us may have enjoyed more than others, but for the most part, this has been about getting the scattered survivors (quite literally) on track to reunite. There are three pitfalls to that approach: 1) The weight of the season rests on the strength of that final outcome. If it’s weak, or disappointing, then the time spent building toward it will have felt in vein. 2) Many series have big marquee installments, but as much as is possible, we need to invest in each entry for its own individual merits. We can’t sense that the show is simply biding its time, or we begin to feel less invested. 3) There’s a risk that the characters will function to serve the plot, rather than the reverse.

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