
This Week on the Nintendo eShop IGN All

After a consistent weeks of big retail releases, the Wii U and 3DS eShop has some new and old games to highlight this week. Blok Drop U is a cool little Wii U puzzle game that costs only $1.99. It's made by one guy and involves dropping a block so it lands safely. Two new games hit the 3DS eShop, and each Virtual Console gets one game each. No, neither of them are Super Mario Bros. 3. We don't know why that's not out in North America yet either.

Blok Drop U ($1.99)

From RCMADIAX, Blok Drop U is a cheap and simple puzzle game where you remove blocks while dealing with other obstacles so you can gently land a block with a heart-shaped icon on it to safety. It's sort of like how in Tomb Raider you want to protect Lara Croft, but instead it's a block with a heart shape on it. There are only 30 puzzles in this $1.99 game, but more content is on the way.

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