
Thunderbolts Gets Thrilling New Writers IGN All

Starting in June with issue #27, Thunderbolts will be taken over by writers Ben Acker and Ben Blacker of Thrilling Adventure Hour fame. With current Thunderbolts scribe Charles Soule also writing She-Hulk, Inhuman, Swamp Thing, Letter 44, Red Lanterns, and Superman/Wonder Woman, we were confident he'd eventually have to unload some titles. Guy has to sleep, right?

The duo of Acker and Blacker wrote Thunderbolts Annual #1 in December 2013 where the team tangled with Doctor Strange, and now they will take on the title full-time. Artist Carlo Barberi will draw their story featuring a Punisher vs. Thunderbolts storyline. The Punisher has never been much of a team player, so even though we're not surprised at this development, we're excited to see how he takes on the likes of Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, and Elektra.

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