
Who is On the All-New Ultimates Team? IGN All

With Cataclysm: Ultimates Last Stand coming to an end this week, the future of Marvel's Ultimate Universe has never been on shakier ground -- and they've been through quite a bit! As part of a new wave of Ultimate books, All-New Ultimates #1 will feature a younger generation of the Ultimates superhero team.

Spider-Man Miles Morales, Black Widow (a female clone of Peter Parker, formerly known as Spider-Woman), Kitty Pryde, Bombsell, Cloak and Dagger will make up the new team, which has a distinct "teenage rebel" quality about it. With S.H.I.E.L.D. apparently out of commission and most of the world's greatest heroes dead (or lost in the Negative Zone with Galactus), this new group of hoodie-wearing, gum-chewing teens will take the fight to the world's criminals and also homework.

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