
Boardwalk Empire: "Bone for Tuna" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

So after three episodes, this has really become Bobby Cannavale's season. And let's face it, in "Bone for Tuna," we all knew there was no way Rosetti was leaving Atlantic City, for the second time, as anything other than bitter and angry. No matter how much Nucky tried to repair their working relationship. As Nucky put it so well, Rosetti could find an "insult in a bouquet of roses." And Cannavale is just crushing it. The way Rosetti not only gets offended when tells him something he doesn't know, but also when people who state the obvious is terrifying. And it was fun to see the fat corrupt cop get incinerated at the end since we all probably had him marked for death when he spoke out of turn in the diner at the top of the episode. Well, as fun as seeing someone burned alive can be. "You think you have friends. They're all dogs with bones."

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