
Early Thoughts on Pokémon Black 2/White 2 IGN All

We’re less than two weeks away from the stateside release of Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 - and I’ve been hard at work collecting gym badges and taming pocket monsters on my journey to Victory Road. You can expect my full review to show up sometime next week - exactly when is hard to say. You see, this game has a lot of content, and as with any review, I’m not going to post my final impressions until I’ve spent a fair amount of time with all of it.

But if you’re simply dying for some impressions of the first numbered Pokémon sequels, fear not! Below you’ll find a handful of my early thoughts on this new Unova adventure. And before you get your angry commenter hat on, please keep in mind that what follows are just some brief thoughts on my time with the game thus far (I have six gym badges at this point). Unless I want the wrath of Pikachu destroying me and everyone I love, I’m not able to go into too much detail or give specific examples or even mention things from later in the game at this point in time - that will come with the review next week.

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