
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Premiere Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season premiere follow.

The Clone Wars began in a different manner than ever before this year, with the Season 5 premiere actually picking up the same storyline (with most of the same characters) as the season finale that proceeded it. Considering how big a deal Darth Maul’s return was, that felt quite appropriate. Just having the opening narration inform us that Maul and Savage Opress were committing “murder and pillage at every turn” was a reminder that this show can be pretty dang brutal - especially where these two are concerned.

This episode dealt with what Maul and Savage’s next step was – just what it was they intended to do with their lives, basically. And the answer was a surprising and fun one, as Maul declared, “We are not Jedi! We are lords… crime lords.”

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