
Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Could Be Naruto's Best Brawler IGN All

The annual, unchanging Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm series has little to offer anyone but hardcore fans. For that particular audience, though, it’s a consistent, reliable giver. It rarely shakes up the core mechanics of its 3D combat, instead opting to improve the spectacle of it all.

Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 appeals to fans that may have been let down last time, and gives them new layers to appreciate. And all the while, it leaves those unfamiliar with the popular anime in awe.

It’s clear developer CyberConnect2 learned a lot working on Asura’s Wrath – Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has more interactive button-prompt sequences than ever. Typically quick time events leave bad tastes in gamers’ mouths, but these are so stylish in presentation that they’re easy to love. Fights are as much about fast-paced punching as they are presentation, so if you’re not into watching a bit of action go down and having control taken away, you’re absolutely not going to fall for Naruto Shippuden. That said, battles are fully watchable separate from the game because they’re so true to Naruto’s television style.

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