
A+X #1 Review IGN All

AvX: Versus sought to provide a little brainless levity in the middle of Marvel's big event storyline by focusing only on heroes punching other heroes. A+X is a similar project that instead focuses on heroes teaming with other heroes to punch bad guys. Despite the cover design and naming scheme, it has absolutely nothing to do with AvX itself. But like AvX: Versus, there is some enjoyment to be had out of the two stories within.

The first segment sees Dan Slott weave a team-up adventure between Captain America and Cable. The twist is that the team-up takes place during WWII, long before Cap had become acquainted with the contemporary heroes of the 21st century. Slott's script is fun and lighthearted despite dealing with Nazi doomsday weapons. He introduces a new member of the Trask family whose grand plan involves helping the Nazis build early model Sentinels in order to wipe out mutants before they become a major force in the world. The resulting team-up is enjoyable and succinct in an old school Marvel way, and never do readers have to worry their heads about where this fits into continuity.

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