
Bedlam #1 Review IGN All

Bedlam #1 is book that tries hard to push your buttons. It opens with the murder of school children by a psycho killer known as Madder Red. This where most superhero type stories end, with the hero swinging through the window, the bad guy captured. The twist with Bedlam is that our story starts here, at the end. It makes for some interesting stuff and it's without a doubt a series to keep your eye on.

Nick Spencer seems to setting up a morality play, of sorts. His script here sets up lots of interesting questions, but at times tries too hard to answer them. This is a wordy issue where characters talk and talk about the same thing over and over. Madder Red is a villain that seems to be an imitation of the Joker, which is equal parts cool and redundant. Still, there is enough in this first issue to hook you and leave you ready for #2.

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