
Star Wars Movie Dreams IGN All

Yes, a new Star Wars movie trilogy is happening. It is a reality and not just, as was long the case, chatter from George Lucas or the wet dreams of bloggers. And while many of us remain burned, or at least disenchanted, after the Prequel Trilogy, there's no denying that a new series of films set in that galaxy far, far away still stands as a tantalizing prospect, especially if it were to be done right this time (i.e. with certain Bearded Ones handing over the creative reins to young blood). But where would such a series go?

This topic has been the basis of speculation since we all learned (or those of us old enough at the time learned, anyway) back in the late '70s that A New Hope was not a one-shot but merely the first in a planned series of three trilogies. Eventually those three triumvirates got cut down to two three-film sets, but let's ponder today where a new and modern Star Wars movie series might take us

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