
The New Deadwardians #8 Review IGN All

If we are casting votes for best limited series of the year, then my vote is firmly with The New Deadwardians. Since the beginning, this has been a fascinating story about a world populated with zombies and vampires. It's not a horror story, and not quite a detective mystery. It's about life, and the things we do to keep it going. The things we are willing to give up and the sacrifices we are willing to make. In the end, readers discovered that it was attempt to save a life that brought about the end of death. The final issue of The New Deadwardians is much like every issue that came before it: brilliant.

Dan Abnett has scripted a masterpiece here. The conclusion to this story isn't a shocking one. There is no huge reveal that will twist everything you have seen before. The ending is logical, even if the crimes aren't. Plain and simple, this is a story about revenge. It's seriously good stuff and some the best dialogue you'll read in any comic book on the stands. To say The New Deadwardians is not like any other book out there is to sell it far too short. This is a unique experience, something rare in the world of modern comics. Abnett deserves to be applauded for that alone.

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