
The Top 25 Horror Movie Villains IGN All

Today is Halloween, and while many of you may be out partying or seeking free candy, we suspect many IGN readers are deep into Halloween movie marathons this week. Recently we posted a series of Face-offs, asking readers to vote on their favorite horror movie villains, from a list containing everyone from Freddy Krueger to Count Dracula to Hannibal Lecter.

After 1.8 million votes, the results are in, and these are the Top 25 horror villains as voted by you!

Back before the Beethoven franchise showed us how lovable and helpful St. Bernards can be, Cujo had us running in terror from these gargantuan canines. All it takes is a little bat bite and this friendly household pet morphs into a raging, bloodthirsty monster. Cujo accomplishes a lot with one simple, terrifying premise - a mother and her toddler son are trapped in a broken down car as a rabid dog stalks them. At least the movie had a happier ending than the book.

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