
Big Bang Theory: "Extract Obliteration" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

With "The Extract Obliteration," vaunted physicist Stephen Hawking made his return to the Big Bang stage... in a manner of speaking. Hawking was more of an unseen presence this time around as Sheldon embarked upon a heated Words With Friends competition with his new best pal, Rolling Thunder. Incidentally, I'd like to think Hawking makes his colleagues and grad students refer to him by that nickname.

This episode divided itself along two fronts, focusing mainly on Sheldon's dramatic online friendship and Penny's revelation that she was taking a community college class. The rest of the gang were more comedic relief this time around. Granted, there were some amusing moments to be had from the likes of Wolowitz, Raj, and Bernadette. This episode had a bit more of a classic Big Bang Theory feel to it, partly because the writers ditched the new Raj/Stuart bromance for a week and renewed the good old-fashioned Raj/Wolowitz pairing instead. Seeing the duo rock out to Star Wars Kinect was hilarious - much more fun that actually playing the game would be, I imagine. Between that and Raj's forced American accent, he really stole the show in his brief scenes. For whatever reason, the writers got a lot of mileage out of characters doing mock impersonations of other characters this week.

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