
Bloodshot #5 Review IGN All

The last issue of Bloodshot ended with the title character armed to the teeth, ready to assault Project Rising Spirit. It's a little bit of letdown when this issue starts off with a flashback and then Bloodshot meditating. Eventually, the fury gets brought and Bloodshot gets all stabby and shooty. It's just kind of a bummer since last issue seemed things were about to hit the fan.

Like most of the Valiant titles, Bloodshot is kind of a slow burn origin story. Duane Swierczynski is making the character earn his revenge, and that's a good thing. Bloodshot is clearly disturbed and hurt. Thanks to technology, he may be able to heal his body, but his fractured mind is another story. His search for the truth is what makes this book such a compelling read. Swierczynski knows how to deliver when it comes to characters and he delivers in Bloodshot in a big way.

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