
Boardwalk Empire: "The Pony" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...

R.I.P. Nadine Beckenbauer.

"The Pony," named after both young Emily's present and Billie's middling career as an almost-star, got dragged down a bit by its Margaret/Owen scenes and Nucky's extremely stuffy dealings with James Cromwell's Andrew Mellon. Although, it does come as a bit of a relief to watch Cromwell give a fine and mannered performance after watching him play Dr. Nutcase the past few weeks over on American Horror Story. Those drawbacks aside, this episode helped launch Nucky forward into his inevitable, haunting "I have everything, and yet nothing" loneliness.

First things first, let's talk about Van Alden. I think most of us squealed in delight when Nelson went after his co-worker with a freakin' hot iron; a man pushed too far by a group of imbeciles who didn't know they were dealing with a time bomb. Then, by the end, after watching Nelson tear the entire office apart and then stand there, regaining his composure, while the fat man sobbed in agony, things felt really dark. As in, my smile vanished. Too bad this all took place in a time before workplace massacres and people "going postal," or else those douchebags would have known better than to torment the quiet recluse.

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