
Fringe: "An Origin Story" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Halfway through this episode, I found myself kind of bored and wondering what mediocre score I was going to have to give this thing. But by the time the end credits started rolling I was thinking, “HELL YEAH, THAT WAS AWESOME!”. Sometimes watching Fringe is like watching your favorite sports team struggle for most of the game only to come back and win in overtime.

This episode had an opening that was very different from what I was expecting. Like most parents who browse through their child's room, Peter finds Etta's secret stash. But he doesn't find weed or naked lady pictures – instead he finds a cleverly hidden cache of weapons. It's the first odd scene we're shown where Olivia and Peter are dealing with the emotional roller coaster of losing a daughter in a rather strange and muted fashion. Olivia for the most part is much the same as we saw her in previous episodes this season. There's certainly some sadness there, but not the grief one might expect. Joshua Jackson tries his best to portray a Peter who is mad and focused and determined to make Etta's death mean something. It does come off a bit forced though. Maybe it's the script or the direction, but I've definitely seen Josh act better.

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