
Hit-Girl #4 Review IGN All

The biggest problem with Mark Millar's Hit-Girl mini-series is that it didn't come out sooner. The series is stuck attempting to fill gaps between the two Kick-Ass volumes that really don't matter now. On its own merits, it's a reasonably enjoyable offshoot of the main storyline, and it's enough to wonder why Millar didn't simply label this story Kick-Ass 2 and ship it before the previous series.

Issue #4 sees Mindy deal with Genovese's drug gang in her trademark, profanity-laden fashion. Her larger struggle is in maintaining her cover once her adoptive father Marcus shows up at the scene. This is where Hit-Girl works best -- it offsets all the grotesque humor and displays of violence with Mindy's more mundane efforts to placate her parents and fit in at school. I've more than had my fill by now of seeing innocent bystanders have their brains splattered on the floor, children cursing like drunken sailors in a David Mamet play, and meta-textual jabs at the comics industry. This book proves there is heart at the core of the Kick-Ass universe.

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