
Homeland: "Two Hats" Review IGN All

Full spoilers follow.

“You think you’re the only one who understands this f#@ker needs watching like a hawk?”

After Brody’s rather dramatic abduction at the end of last week’s episode of Homeland, “Two Hats” takes the approach of not really showing us what went on during the meeting that followed between Brody and his former (?) master Abu Nazir. Are the show’s writers purposely keeping us in the dark about Brody’s current disposition, or is this just a case of awkward plotting and structure?

Actually, for my money it is awkward storytelling either way, as Brody relays his Nazir meeting to Carrie and the team in flashback. This approach feels odd and just a bit off, considering how we’ve gotten so used to being with Carrie and Brody every step of the way in both of their journeys this season. Obviously, Brody neglected to tell his CIA contacts about his praying with Nazir, which is no doubt meant to make us wonder what else he isn't mentioning. But Brody’s much more interesting when we’re trying to figure out what’s going on in his head -- even as we’re right alongside him, watching him lie and deceive -- than when we’re on the outside looking in, as this story thread has seemingly positioned him (and us).

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