
Nintendo Interested in Wii U/3DS Connectivity IGN All

In an interview with IGN, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto discussed Wii U and 3DS connectivity, saying that the company is thinking about ways to get the best out of both systems - but it doesn't look like it's exactly a top priority at the moment.

Nintendo has a long history of connecting its portable and home console systems, from the Game Boy Player to the N64's Transfer Pak to the myriad ways in which the Gamecube and Game Boy Advance that could be used together to enhance the experience of games like Zelda: Four Swords and Animal Crossing.

"Of course we are thinking of the possibility of connecting Wii U and Nintendo 3DS once again," Miyamoto said. "

we have challenged connectivity on many occasions, and one of the great lessons we have learned is the simple fact that those who own both are much fewer than those who don’t own both. So what we decided early on when considering the Wii U design was that we had to make it so that every single purchaser of the Wii U is going to have the same play conditions, the same equipment."

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