
OGN Winter: GSG vs. Najin Sword IGN All

OGN Winter Group B: GSG vs. NJSW

Game 1


Bans: Nidalee, Malphite, Evelynn


Katarina - Easy (mid)

Amumu - Solo (jungle)

Leona - Mandu (support)

Kog'maw - Clear (adc)

Shen - ChuChu (top)


Bans: Jayce, Lee Sin, Rumble


Ezreal - PraY (adc)

Sona - Cain (support)

Anivia - SSONG (mid)

Maokai - watch (jungle)

Irelia - MaKNooN (Top)

Determined to keep MaKNooN down, GSG focused on top lane. They were able to get first blood on him and continued to camp him for kills, but this never got them ahead. Clearly taking it all in stride, Najin Sword smoothly took control of the rest of the map, securing every dragon and taking big cs leads very quickly. GSG took a 6-3 kill lead including three deaths by MaKNooN, but were always thousands of gold behind. As Najin Sword grouped up, SSONG got very fed, he was soon able to melt whomever he caught at all out of position and they were dead if they didn't have Flash. NJSW continued to focus aggressively on objectives instead of dives and were soon able to put immense pressure on two inhibitor turrets. Amumu got caught several times, but one more time at 22 minutes was the last nail in the coffin. Najin Sword promptly took Baron and finally dove GSG for the ace and the surrender.

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