
Punk Rock Jesus #5 Review IGN All

Punk Rock Jesus is finally bringing the punk in a big way. Last issue started to let it loose, but it is in full effect here. Chris and The Flak Jackets are keen to bring punk rock's message to the world. They are heading down a path that can't end well. This issue is mainly setting up the final showdown of sorts, so it covers a lot of ground and breezes through things a bit too quickly, but it's still of the same high quality that this book has been since day one.

It'll be interesting to see where Sean Murphy plans on taking this story. On the surface, it seems like it carries a very strong anti-religion message. The interesting tidbit is that the series' most important character – Thomas – has a deeper understanding of religion than any of the other characters and he is still a believer. This penultimate issue asks some interesting questions that will hopefully be answered by the time this series ends. Hopefully.

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