
Reading Too Much Into Video Games IGN All

Video games can be pretty straightforward at times. Super Mario Bros., for instance, is simply an obstacle course, running and jumping from left to right to rescue the princess. Right? Well, maybe not. For those so inclined, it’s also possible to read elaborate allegories between the lines; shape-shifting raccoon dogs, the Bolshevik Revolution, and Alice in Wonderland. Be it art, literature, music, or video games, some people like to suck the marrow out of their experiences by extracting every shred of meaning they can from them.

Other people – I like to call them the Fun Police – get their knickers in a knot over stuff like this. To them, reading into video games at all is reading into them too much. If you are one of those people, I will warn you up front: you will be frustrated by the things you read in this article. But if you like a bit of fun; strap on your coke bottle lenses, because we’re about to read far too much into a handful of treasured video games.

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