
The Clone Wars: "A Necessary Bond" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for episode follow.

The Young Jedi arc came to a strong conclusion with a very entertaining episode. Seeing the Grievous/Obi-Wan battle last week felt very out of place to the main storyline, but Grievous actually arriving on Florrum and taking Hondo prisoner was a much more interesting turn of events that directly tied into the overall arc in a big way.

The old “Enemy of my enemy” adage was at the heart of this episode, as Ahsoka and the Younglings decided to free Hondo – on the heels of an exciting chase sequence between the pirates and Jedi that felt very Star Wars with its classic serial vibe, as poor Gungi (I love you, Gungi!) hung on for dear life, while the speeder sped below the doomed Jedi ship.

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