
The Comic Genius of Bill Murray IGN All

After the recent announcement that Ghostbusters 3 will be conclusively, unequivocally shooting next year without Bill Murray, it left many of us in the Australian office – prone to sobbing into our bedraggled nostalgia blankets when it comes to the franchise – conducting instead a surprisingly mature dissection of the brilliance of the man himself.

During the height of his fame in the ‘80s, Murray became a sort of smirking king who lorded over our childhoods. Pockmarked and noodly, he was an unconventional hero, his characters frequently sarcastic and apathetic, and on occasion, downright cowardly. We loved him.

Nowadays, Murray picks and chooses his projects with the precision of a philatelist pouring over a scrapbook. His appearances on our movie screens are few and far between, but when he does choose a project we damn well pay attention. It doesn’t hurt that the man is something of a modern day folk hero; like Robin Hood, we know whatever decision he makes will be for the good of the people. He’s a charismatic enigma. He’s utterly, undeniably cool.

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