
The Walking Dead: "Killer Within" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow. If you haven’t seen it yet, look away or be forever spoiled!

So, um… The Walking Dead was pretty boring and uneventful this week, huh?

“Killer Within” was one hell of an episode, and perhaps the most shocking thing about it is that it happened so early in the season. This is only episode four of a sixteen episode season! You’d think they’d at least save something like this for the midseason finale in a few weeks, but The Walking Dead producers sure are stepping up this season and saying, “Oh, you thought last year was too slow-paced? How about this!?”

For those of you who’d been waiting/hoping/praying for Lori to die, you got your wish. That big scene at the end of episode two hinting at the potential at least for reconciliation between Lori and Rick had no happy ending – the little look they had at the beginning of the episode the only moment of connection they got to share together before the end.

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