
The Wii U eShop Launch Guide IGN All

So, you’ve done it. You’ve managed to track down and purchase a new Wii U console. You’ve brought it home, set it up, and gotten it running. You’ve sat on your butt twiddling your thumbs for an hour or more to download the Day 1 system update, and, finally, you’re ready to dive into all of the content that enduring that laborious process has awarded you – the Internet Browser, the Miiverse and more. New Wii U owner, we salute you – and we’re here to make your next steps just a little bit easier.

Now that you’re ready to get your games going, the question remains – what games should you get? You probably picked up a couple alongside your system, sure, but we’re not talking tangible titles here. This article is all about the all-new Wii U eShop, and the download-only games that are now only available to own for early adopters who’ve jumped through all the right hoops and have access to the storefront.

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