
Warren Spector on Designing Games That Matter IGN PS3

Most video game luminaries have charisma, but Warren Spector’s ability to captivate is innate. The legendary developer has no qualms about getting misty-eyed when discussing Epic Mickey’s story, or pantomiming the jerky animations that regularly betray ‘realistic’ games. He charmingly offsets this showmanship with a great deal of self-deprecation, preemptively apologizing for being a “wordy bastard” before opening up about his seminal legacy. It’s hard to think of any industry personalities attached to as many revered titles as Spector, whether directly or not. Spector's past employees have gone on to work on titles such as Half Life 2, Oblivion, Bioshock, and Dishonored. It’s not a stretch to think his uncompromising ambition and innate ability to captivate might be contagious.

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