
Why Borderlands 2 Isn’t on Wii U IGN All

Gearbox has explained the reason for the lack of a Wii U version of Borderlands 2. In an interview with Games Master Magazine, Gearbox head Randy Pitchford said “We get asked if there is going to be a Wii U version of Borderlands, and the reason why there's not is because we couldn't think of a natural, obvious, 'OMG, I want that for what the Wii U brings to the table' feature.”

Pitchford explained that Aliens: Colonial Marines, which will be coming to Wii U, was a different story, noting that “with Aliens, the first thing we thought was 'Holy sh*t, I can have a motion controller in my hands!' When it's there in my lap it feels like I'm part of the movie.”

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