
Aquaman #15 Review IGN All

One of the common complaints about the New 52 so far is that there's too little sense of inter-connectivity among the various books. At most, we've seen small crossovers between series of the same franchise, as with the Batman and the Teen Titans books. Throne of Atlantis is one of the first major attempts to rebuild the bonds of old and focus on the DC Universe as a shared space again. The opening chapter in Justice League #15 was strong, and the follow-up in Aquaman #15 continues that momentum nicely.

This issue picks up right where Justice League leaves off. Ocean Master has declared war on the surface world for what he views as an unprovoked act of aggression. As a result, Boston and Gotham City have both been bombarded by tidal waves, killing countless innocents in the process. It's clear from the moment the reduced Justice League lineup begin reacting to the devastation that this isn't some quick and painless little clash between opposing forces. This is a storyline with significant consequences in terms of human lives, and by extension, the League's relationship to the world and to each other.

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