
Disney Boss Talks Marvel Theme Parks IGN All

You know they're coming eventually -- Marvel theme parks are surely part of the Disney plan. Star Wars parks as well, no doubt. Avengers Land! Asgard's Realm! Death Star Square (Circle?)! And as our own Eric Goldman suggests, Jabba's Pleasure Barge Casino! (I'm there for sure.)

So it comes as no surprise that Disney CEO Bob Iger has publicly floated the idea of expanding these properties into the theme park arena. And while we are far from any concrete details, The Disney Blog has dug up a Reuters interview with Iger from earlier this year where he discusses the concept. Iger says that a Marvel theme park is unlikely in Florida (Universal has long term deals with Marvel pre-dating the Disney acquisition), but California is less limited and overseas spots like China, Japan and France are more or less wide open. Click here for the full interview.

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