
Fringe: "Anomaly XB-6783746" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Nina Sharp has consistently been one of my favorite Fringe characters. She's smart, she's savvy, and her wardrobe always helps her live up to the Sharp name. Blair Brown almost always portrays the character perfectly and only John Noble can really match her consistency and gravitas. For all these reasons and more, I'm glad we were given one last chance to have Nina impact the Fringe lore in a big way.

Nina kind of stole the show, and I'm thankful for that because much of this episode moves along at an adequate but somewhat frustrating pace. As a casual observer -- no pun intended -- you wouldn't get the sense that this was a pivotal episode leading up to the end of the series. Things happen in the early parts of this story, but the events don't leave a particularly strong impression. Quite a bit of time is spent watching Windmark poke and prod people for information in his trademark manner. But Windmark's interrogations all have the same flavor, and there's a level of diminishing returns in watching him do it over and over and over again.

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