
Gaming's 10 Big Themes of 2012 IGN PS3

As the year comes to an end, IGN looks back and tries to make sense of the thousands of news stories, opinions, reviews and comments that have appeared on this site, and around the world. We've come up with ten big themes that characterize the past 12 months, including links to over a hundred of the biggest stories. What's your view? Make use of comments below...

Leaving aside the less-than-blockbuster news of mini and slimmed current-gen systems, there were two significant games machine launches in 2012, both of which employed innovative and interesting game control techniques. PlayStation Vita is a marvellous piece of design, employing multiple input possibilities. Wii U is yet another example of Nintendo’s genius for seizing the moment. While other companies dabble with screen-controls, Nintendo went ahead and launched something with a built-in touchscreen controller. Yet both have major challenges ahead if they are to thrive. Elsewhere, hardware innovations came in the form of Ouya’s announcement, an Android-based games console as well as the unveiling of an interesting Virtual Reality project, Oculus Rift. Valve was in and out of the news with talk of its first foray into games hardware. Cloud gaming had a mixed year with OnLive’s troubles and Gaikai‘s purchase by Sony. So far as the future goes, the games industry throws up a mixture of companies that wait-and-see, and those that jump right on in.

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