
Google Reportedly Developing iPhone and iPad Killers IGN All

Google is currently developing it's own flagship devices to take on the iPhone and iPad, according to a new report from The Wall Street Journal. Leveraging its acquisition of Motorola from earlier this year, the two companies are hard at work on a pair of devices rumored to be codenamed "X Phone" and "X Tablet." The devices, which are expected to debut sometime next year, are said to be a new product line in direct response to Apple's iDevices and Samsung's Galaxy series.

The Wall Street Journal's well-placed sources say that former Google product manager, Lior Ron, who specializes in mapping technologies, is heading up the project. While additional details are scarce, Google and Motorola are emphasizing photographic performance with the "X Phone" and are considering bendable displays and ceramic casing for the handset. The rumored smartphone is allegedly the company's highest priority, though a tablet device is expected shortly after.

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