
The Amazing Spider-Man #700 Review IGN All

Marvel just barely managed to squeeze the big Amazing Spider-Man #700 milestone into Spidey's 50th anniversary year. This issue already has an air of notoriety about it, with early birds calling it the worst thing to happen to Peter Parker since One More Day and Internet trolls sending death threats to writer Dan Slott. Even in a week where it would take more than one hand to count the major comic book releases, this issue is a big deal. The real question is -- is the issue worth braving the elements and the post-holiday rush to acquire?

Much as with ASM #600, there's a hefty amount of content included, but the bulk of the issue is focused on the big showdown between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus. With his mind still trapped in Ock's ailing body, Peter has orchestrated a jailbreak and is battling against the clock to reclaim his body and his life. If massive organ failure doesn't kill him, visions of Ock's pre-marital shenanigans with Aunt May just might.

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