
All-New X-Men #5 Review IGN All

After a couple issues, this title shot to the top of my Marvel NOW! reading list and has stayed there ever since. The character interactions are rich, the plot is compelling, and every page looks absolutely gorgeous thanks to Stuart Immonen’s gifted hands. Sure, there are a few places you can nitpick, but the overall package is so good that it succeeds despite the flaws. The pieces that Brian Michael Bendis has been juggling have now fallen into place, and the result is a new direction with new powers, new leaders, and new agendas -- All-New X-Men indeed!

The standout scenes in this book take place in a mental conversation between Beast and Jean Grey. Jean’s knowledge-overflow will no doubt stir up some nostalgia for X-fans, but what moved me the most was the sense of loss and love Beast feels for Jean. Bendis has played it smart so far by telling a new story that also reminds us why we love these characters to begin with. That said, I am pretty mad at Beast for risking a time/space incident because he didn’t double check his math work!

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