
Ustream on Consoles: Not Exclusive to PS4 IGN All

When the PlayStation 4 was revealed in New York City, one of the interesting features Sony showed off was PS4’s integrated Ustream capability. Ustream, according to the company’s founder and CEO Brad Hunstable, is “the largest live social broadcasting platform in the world,” and as such, the implications of Ustream on PS4 are considerable.

In short, what you do on PlayStation 4 can be seamlessly broadcast to the rest of the world.

In a conversation with IGN, Hunstable touted the strength of his platform (the company had a staggering 8 million viewers tune in simply to see an asteroid fly-by). Even the PlayStation 4 reveal was live on Ustream: over one million people at one time were watching it. “It had an average view time of one our,” Hunstable said, “for essentially a two-hour-long Sony PlayStation commercial.”

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