
Green Lantern Animated: "Scarred" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

No one could accuse this week's Green Lantern of being a filler episode. "Scarred" built up to the final showdown between our three heroes and the Aya-Monitor, offering the return of a major character and a full origin story for the troubled artificial intelligence. The big takeaway from this episode was that Aya truly does have the spark of life in her, and that may be the key to her redemption in the final two episodes.

I suppose I should have expected that an episode titled "Scarred" would feature the return of the Science Director and her transition from benevolent Guardian to physically and psychologically wounded being. I feared this transformation was something we'd never see thanks to the show's cancellation. But we lucked out, and the writers did a good job of portraying the character in her new role. There was a lot more subtlety in terms of her characterization than what was seen from Scar during the Blackest Night comic book storyline. Whereas Scar was basically a one-note villain and pawn of her master there, here viewers were left to question whether she was actually corrupted by her exposure to the Anti-Monitor. The flashback to Aya's creation suggested that the Science Director has always had a mean streak to her. The arrogance of the Guardians has led to no shortage of problems for Hal and friends, and I imagine this also was meant to build towards a larger rift between the lanterns and their masters if the show had survived.

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