
Hannibal: Series Premiere Review IGN All

Advance Review: On the surface, Hannibal has so much going against it. A prequel TV series about Hannibal Lecter has to overcome a lot of preconceptions, starting with the intimidating shadow of anyone daring to stop into the shoes of Anthony Hopkins, who gave such an iconic (and Academy Award winning) performance in the role. Then you have the fact that some would say the character was arguably diminished by perhaps less than stellar cinematic follow-ups to the classic The Silence of the Lambs, including Hannibal Rising – which was itself a prequel! Oh, and by focusing on the relationship between Lecter and Will Graham, Hannibal invites the, “This story again?” cries, given the Lecter/Graham dynamic was explored in two previous films; Manhunter (with Brian Cox and William Petersen) and Red Dragon (with Hopkins and Edward Norton).

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