
Hemlock Grove brings horror to WonderCon IGN All

The cast and producers of Netflix's Hemlock Grove were on hand at WonderCon to give an excited crowd the inside scoop on the upcoming horror-thriller and things got bloody and fun by the panel's end. Things got started with a discussion about why it took producer Eli Roth so long to jump into the world of television.

"I can't just kill everybody every week," executive producer Eli Roth said. He stressed that networks had been asking for him to create a television series. "As the medium evolved, shows like Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire and Waling Dead changed the rules and suddenly horror became a real possibility."

"We've been talking about this as a TV series since grad school and he was working on the first draft," executive producer said of Brain McGreevy's novel. "The problem was the expansion of the story, so there'll be lots of surprises for fans of the novel. One really, really big surprise."

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