
Incredipede Review IGN All

During the time I’ve spent with Incredipede, it hasn't been uncommon for someone to walk by my desk, peek at the screen, and say, “Oh god, kill it!” Where the spectators see a god-forsaken creature that goes against everything nature intended, I see a beautifully crafted tool that, used wisely, is perfect for taking on the task at hand. And when that task is complete, I’ll re-engineer it time and again until I get the perfect solution to each and every stage in this wonderfully inventive puzzler.

Don’t worry about the narrative of Incredipede -- it’s completely forgettable. Instead, just enjoy the great puzzles. On Normal difficulty, the campaign acts as an especially good tool to teach us about the types of creatures you can build in Incredipede. Each level comes with a pre-made monster perfect for doing what’s needed. The trick – and enjoyment – comes from the fact that each level's creature is unique, looks bizarre, and requires different skill to control. Limbs with muscles attached enable you to activate them with a few keystrokes, and levels often require you to think about powering multiple limbs at once. We do this all the time with our own bodies, but when you’re doing it for a truly weird-looking creature that you barely understand, it feels a bit like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. It’s easy to feel immensely frustrated, but there’s also an intense satisfaction that comes from overcoming adversity and striding – or just barely bumbling – your way to victory.

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