
Ni No Kuni and Coping With Depression IGN PS3

Poor little Ollie isn’t your typical JRPG hero. He doesn’t have spiky hair or carry a sword that’s bigger than he is. He doesn’t brood in the way popularised to stereotype by Cloud or Kaim, nor is he at the opposite end of the spectrum with the relentless and irksome positivity of Serah. He’s not an amnesiac or an elite warrior; he is simply a normal young boy who, because of certain events, wants to do good things for those in need around him.

Oliver’s desire to do right has come at a cost, though. At fault for his mother’s untimely death, he is obviously and understandably distraught, spiralling into three days of wallowing and self-pity. Eventually his tears spring a surprise, breathing life into his cherished cuddly toy who reveals himself as Drippy, a noble fairy from the realm of Ni No Kuni.

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