
The Last Exorcism Part II Review IGN All

The Last Exorcism had quite a few commendable qualities that helped it standout. It did a super job of creating an interesting cast and provided a slow buildup that worked well with the found footage style. But the sequel, which hits today? It doesn’t really have any of that. Instead -- for some reason that's beyond me -- it loses the found footage approach and offers a totally formulaic horror flick packed with mostly predictable jump scares. If you loved the first film because you thought it put a new twist on the genre, you’re better off pretending this movie doesn’t exist.

Picking up after the first film’s crazy ending, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) ends up in New Orleans. With a fuzzy memory of what previously happened, the tormented girl attempts to start a new and hopefully regular life in The Big Easy. She winds up in a foster home for girls and, as expected, things once again begin to unravel and make Nell question her sanity. Is she simply loco or is there really a demon trying to get her? I’m honestly not sure why’d they keep at this question since the last film’s ending made that answer abundantly clear. (And just in case you haven’t seen the first one, this film opens with a quick recap.)

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