
Coulson Lives: Clark Gregg Talks S.H.I.E.L.D. IGN All

Among the rampant speculation and theories surrounding Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. TV pilot, none are more intriguing than the resurrection of Clark Gregg's Agent Coulson. With the series taking place after the events of The Avengers -- in which Coulson was, you know, killed -- many fans are both elated and baffled by the character's forthcoming return.

Of course, when Gregg was first told about his role in a post-Avengers universe, he could hardly believe it. Explained the actor to Collider, "Even though my friends at Marvel said, 'You know, we spent a lot of time talking about how Coulson lives, and we know that there's a movement out there, and there are t-shirts and people paint on bridges 'Coulson Lives,' we're going to bring you back,' and it's one of the many things people tell you that never ever happens. And then I get this call from Joss

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