
Dark Horse Chronicles "The Star Wars" IGN All

Dark Horse has launched a number of new Star Wars comics in 2013, including Brian Wood's post-Episode IV-era Star Wars and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars Legacy sequel. But the publisher has announced a new Star Wars project that easily ranks as one of their most unexpected and unique to date. We'd almost expect this was an April Fool's Day joke if it weren't first revealed at WonderCon yesterday.

Dark Horse's newest comic is called "The Star Wars." This eight-issue mini-series is adapted from George Lucas' original screenplay draft of what would eventually become the original Star Wars film we all know and love. The Star Wars features Annikin Starkiller and his family as the main characters, along with a number of other familiar elements that would be reworked in later drafts. For example, Luke Skywalker is a respected Jedi general, Han Solo is a reptilian alien, and the Sith Knights and their Death Star are the great menace to the galaxy.

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